New name element deriving from the name Britta and its variants [1] [2]
See Britta
Name Element |
Example |
ANN | see Annbritt and Britanna |
AS | see Åsabritt |
AUD | see Eyðbritt |
ELL | see Ellabritt |
ELS | see Elsebritt |
EVA | see Evabritt |
EY | see Eibritt |
GERD | see Brittgerd and Gerdbritt |
GULL | see Gullbritt |
GUNN | see Brittgun and Gunbritt |
HEID | see Heibrith |
HILD | see Britthild and Hillebritt |
ID | see Idabritt |
ING | see Ingbritt |
LILL | see Lillbritt |
LIS | see Brittlis and Lisbritt |
LU | see Brittlouise |
MAJ | see Brittmaj and Majbritt |
MARI | see Brittmarie |
NY | see Brittny |
ROS | see Rosbritt |
SIG | see Sigbritt |
SIGN | see Signbritt |
SIV | see Sivbritt |
SOFI | see Brittsofi |
SOL | see Solbritt |
ULL | see Ullabritt |
VI | see Brittvi |
VIOL | see Brittviol |
VÖR | see Brittvor and Vårbritt |
ÞOR | see Torbritt |
-brit -brita -brith -britt -britta -britte