Blog 2017

From Nordic Names - - All rights reserved.

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December 2017

31 December 2017

Have a look at the 10 most clicked names and name elements 2017:

Top10 2017.jpg

28 December 2017

43 000 names! To find your way through we recommend our Name Finder search tool.


24 December 2017

God Jul - Iloista Joulua - Glædelig Jul - Gleðilig Jól - Gleðileg Jól - Juullimi Pilluarit - Buorrit Juovllat!


17 December 2017

Do you like long names? Here are some four (or more) syllable names which are popular in the Nordic countries right now!


16 December 2017

We added the name count for more than 4,500 Icelandic names this week!


10 December 2017

... and here are the oldest ones!


9 December 2017

We had a look at the 100 most popular baby names for each gender in Sweden and sorted them by their average age. Here are the youngest ones!


6 December 2017

Onnea Suomi! Suomi sata vuotta!


5 December 2017

Three female names (Dóróþea, Hrafnynja, Ævi) and one male names (Kamilus) added to the List of approved Icelandic names. Two male names rejected (Indra, Theadór)


November 2017

19 November 2017

Some H-names which are popular in the Nordic countries right now!

Nordic H.jpg

11 November 2017

Four female names (Alíana, Alisa, Aríel, Selina) and two male names (Jónsi, Ylfingur) added to the List of approved Icelandic names. Two names rejected (Mia, Zion)


5 November 2017

We added a list of Finnish names containing the diminutive ending -kki. Most of them were particularly popular between 1930 and 1960. Have a look!


October 2017

22 October 2017

Looking for a Norse dwarf name? Here is a list for you:


17 October 2017

Do you like short names? Here are some one syllable names which are popular in the Nordic countries at the moment!
Female Names: Björg Bjørk Bjørt Dís Dögg Glóð Líf Lind Linn Liv Lo My Ósk Rós Rún Rut Sif Sól Vón
Male Names: Björn Carl Frank Frans Freyr Hans Hrafn Jack John Jón Kaj Mads Már Max Nils Nohr Páll Sam Snær Steinn Storm Thor Örn Þór


7 October 2017

Added some female S-names on this rainy Saturday ...


3 October 2017

We missed the 42 000 names mark for the screenshot! Well, there are more than 42 000 names online now! To find your way through we recommend our Name Finder search tool.


1 October 2017

820 Old Norse Bynames online - and still many more to come!

Viking Names.jpg

September 2017

24 September 2017

Four male names (Antonio, Dexter, Fjalarr, Röskvi) and six female names (Ástey, Dissý, Gilla, Glytta, Gratíana, Jonný) added to the List of approved Icelandic names. Three female names rejected (Aliana, Ajmiya, Berghild)


10 September 2017

Benjamin and Anna were most popular in the Faroe Islands in 2016. Have a look at the complete Faroese Statistics of 2016.

Faroese Names.jpg

4 September 2017

We took the top 50 Danish names from 2016 and made some diagrams. Take a look!


August 2017

19 August 2017

Sofie and Noah were the most popular names in Denmark in 2016. Have a look at the complete list.


July 2017

16 July 2017

It's summertime! Have a look at some beautiful flower names!

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June 2017

27 June 2017

Interested in odd names? There are lots of names beginning with Odd- online right now!


24 June 2017

Six names (Eros, Ónarr, Nala, Natasja, Victoria and Vök) added to the Icelandic Personal Names Register.


3 June 2017

Some I-/Ii-/Í-names which are popular in the Nordic countries right now!

Nordic I.jpg

May 2017

25 May 2017

41 000 names! To find your way through we recommend our Name Finder search tool.


17 May 2017


14 May 2017

Some Nordic G-/K-names which are popular in the Nordic countries right now!

Nordic GK.jpg

11 May 2017

The most popular names in Finland in 2016 were Sofia and Onni!


7 May 2017

We found these two books in a second-hand bookshop. Nice addition to our Nordic Names bibliography!


April 2017

23 April 2017

Looking for name inspiration? Our new name cloud tool is now available. You'll get a random selection of Nordic Names and you can choose gender or Nordic language.

NNwiki namecloud.png

16 April 2017

God påske! Gleðiligar páskir! Hyvää pääsiäistä! Poorskimi pilluarits! Gleðilega páska! Buorit Beassážat! Glad påsk!


March 2017

26 March 2017

A new name element is online: AINO


February 2017

25 February 2017

Seven names (Lofthildur, Vivian, Fannþór, Steðji, Baddi, Nathanael and Ónar) added to the Icelandic Personal Names Register, and two names rejected, Zophia and Baltazar:


19 February 2017

Nora and William - the Norwegian statistics list of 2016 is online!


9 February 2017

Sofia and Noah - the Danish statistics list of 2016 (January-June) is online!


January 2017

31 January 2017

Alice and Oscar - the Swedish statistics list of 2016 is online!


28 January 2017

Two names (Eyva and Adrian) added to the Icelandic Personal Names Register, and two names rejected, Hel and Ónarr:


22 January 2017

Some interesting names from the Icelandic names statistics of 2015:


15 January 2017

40 000 names! To find your way through we recommend our Name Finder search tool.


7 January 2017

Some F-names which are popular in the Nordic countries right now!

Nordic Fk.jpg

1 January 2017

Some E-names which are popular in the Nordic countries right now

Nordic Ek.jpg

1 January 2017

Godt Nytår! Onnellista Uutta Vuotta! Gleðilegt Nýtt Ár! Gott Nýggjár! Godt Nyttår! Gott Nytt År! Ukiortaami Pilluaritsi!
