Title: Old English Personal Names in Bede's History
Subtitle: An etymological-phonological investigation
Author: Hilmer Ström
Publisher: C. W. K. Gleerup
Year: 1939
Language: English
Pages: 181
Nordic Names shortcut: STR
Index of Contents
- Preface
- Bibliography
- Abbreviations
- Introduction
- Introductory: Scope and plan of the present inquiry
- I. Beda Venerabilis
- II. The manuscripts of the Historia Ecclesiastica
- III. A survey of Old English personal names
- Part I. Etymology
- A. The compound names
- Introductory
- 1. Etymological survey of the elements of the compound names
- 2. Classification of the name-elements with regard to meaning and function
- B. The uncompounded names
- 1. Etymological survey
- 2. Classification of the names with regard to form
- Part II. Phonology
- Introductory
- (i) Vowels
- A. Vowels of stressed syllables
- 1. Short vowels (West Germanic a, e, i, o, u)
- 2. Long vowels (West Germanic a, i, o, u)
- 3. Diphthongs (West Germanic ai, au, eu)
- 4. Survey and discussion of some special phonological characteristics (WG a + nasal, breaking and smoothing, influence of initial palatal consonants, l-mutilation, æ > a / geminate + back vowel, back-mutation)
- B. Vowels of unstressed and socondarily stressed syllables
- Vowels in the composition-joint
- Vowels at the end of the 2. element
- Vowels of case-endings
- Vowels of dervatives
- Svarabhakti vowels
- (ii) Consonants
- Primitive Germanic w
- Primitive Germanic þ
- Primitive Germanic h
- Primitive Germanic ƀ
- Primitive Germanic ʒ
- Primitive Germanic k
- Simplification of geminated consonants
- Assimilation
- "Sharpening" of consonants
- Metathesis
- Loss of consonant
- (iii) Latinization. - Orthography. - Dialect
- Latinization
- Orthography
- Dialect
- Part III. The Material:
- Forms of names in the MSS M, N, C, B of Hist. Eccl; brief biographical notes on the bearers of the names
- Appendix: Continental Germanic names in Hist. Eccl.