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Name Element


Origin and Meaning

Germanic name element

See also ADAL and ALAH, ALF and ÖL – these name elements are often very difficult to tell apart

Ancient Germanic

*alla- = 'grown up, entire' [1]
*alla- = 'all, entire' [2] [3]
*ala- = 'all', 'entire' [2] [3]
*al-a = 'to grow', 'to feed' [4]

Old Norse

al- = 'all', 'entire' [5] [6]
ala = 'all', 'entire' [7] [8]
allr = 'all', 'everybody', 'entire' [5] [9] [3]


ala- = 'all, entire' [5] [8]
alls = 'all, everybody, entire' [5] [9]

Old Saxon

ala- = 'all, entire' [5]


eal = 'all' [9]

Old High German

ala- = 'all, entire' [5] [8]
all = 'all, everybody, entire' [5]
al = 'all' [9]

Old Englisch

æl- = 'all, entire' [5]
eall = 'all, everybody, entire' [5]

Related Names

See Ala, Ali and *AluniR


AUD see Alodia (Frankish)
BUD see Albóðr
DRIF see Aldríf
FAÐIR see Aldafaðir
FAST see Alfastr
FUSS see Alphonso
GEIR see Alger
GAUT see Algautr
GISL see Algísl
LAUG see Allaug
MUND see Almund
NY see Allny
RIK see Alarik (German) and Alareiks (Gothic)
SVART see Alsvartr
SWIND see Alsviðr
VALD see Alvaldr
VAR see Alvaro
VARD see Alvaro
VED see Alawīdaz
VER see AlvéR
VI see Alví
VID see Alawīdaz
VÍÐ see Alawīdaz
VIN see Alawiniz
VIS see Alvíss and Elvira
ÞJOF see Alþjófr
ÞRUÐ see Alþrúðr

See also Aleferna, Alfarinn, Alfrigg, Eleonora

First Element Forms

Al- Ala-
Au- Aul-


  1. Günther Drosdowski: Duden Etymologie - Herkunftswörterbuch der deutschen Sprache (1997)
  2. 2.0 2.1 Eva Brylla: Förnamn i Sverige (2004)
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Lena Peterson: Lexikon över urnordiska personnamn (2004)
  4. Rosa und Volker Kohlheim: Duden Lexikon der Vornamen (1998)
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 Ferdinand Holthausen: Gotisches etymologisches Wörterbuch (1934)
  6. Kristoffer Kruken og Ola Stemshaug: Norsk Personnamnleksikon (1995)
  7. Inger Lautin (Red.): Hva skal barnet hete? (1993)
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 Guðrún Kvaran: Nöfn Íslendinga (2011)
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 Walter W. Skeat: The Concise Dictionary of English Etymology (1993)