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Name Element


Origin and Meaning

Germanic name element which can be difficult to distinguish from RAD in old scripts, see also HROM and RUT

Ancient Germanic

*hrōþa- = 'fame' [1]


*hrōþiR = 'fame' [2]

Old Norse

hróðr = 'fame' [1] [2] [3]
hróðr = 'praise', 'glory', 'honour', 'fame' [4] [5]

Old Saxon

(h)rôth = 'fame' [6] [7]

Old High German

hruod = 'praise', 'glory', 'honour', 'fame' [8] [5]
hrōd = 'praise', 'glory', 'honour', 'fame' [5]

Old Frisian

(h)rêd = 'fame' [7]

Old English

hrōð = 'fame' [8]

Related Names

See Hróða, *Hrōþa, HrøðingR, Hroda, Hrodo, Roda, Rolle, Ros, Rudi


ALF see HróðælfR (Norse)
BJÖRN see Hróðbiǫrn (Norse)
BJÖRT see Hrōdebert (German)
BORG see Hróðbjörg (Norse)
EY see Rodney (English)
FUSS see Hróðfúss (Norse)
GAUT see Hróðgautr (Norse)
GEIR see *Hrōþigaizaz (Norse) and Hruodgêr (German) and Hrōðgār (English)
GERD see Hróðgerðr (Norse)
GISL see Hróðgísl (Norse)
HER see *Hrōþiharjaz (Norse) and Hrōdhari (German)
HILD see Róhild (Norse) and Rodehilde (German)
HVAT see Hróðhvatr (Norse)
KETILL see Hróðkell (Norse)
LAND see Hrōdland (German)
LAUG see Hróðlaug (Norse)
LEIF see HróðlæifR (Norse)
LIND see Rosalint (German)
MAR see *Hrōþimāriz (Norse) and Hrotmar (German)
MUND see *Hrōþimunduz (Norse) and Hrodmund (German) and Hrothmund (English)
NAND see Hrōdnand (German)
NY see Hróðný (Norse)
RIK see HrøríkR (Norse) and Roderich (German) and Hroþareiks (Gothic)
STEIN see Hróðstæinn (Norse)
SWIND see Hrotswith (German)
ULF see *Hrōðiwulfaz (Norse) and Hruodolf (German)
VALD see Hróðvaldr (Norse)
VAR see *Hrōþiwarjaz (Norse) and Hruodwar (German)
VER see *HróþiwíhaR (Norse)
VI see Hróðví (Norse)
VIN see Hrodowin (German)
VITT see Hróðvitnir (Norse)
ÞJOÐ see Hróðþiúð (Norse)

First Element Forms

Hro- Hró- *Hró-
Hrod- Hróð- *Hróð- Hrōd- Hrōð-
Hrode- Hrōde-
Hrot- Hroth-
Hroþa- *Hróþi- *Hrōþi-
Hru- Hruod- Hruode- Hruot-
Hrœ- Hrø-
Ro- Ró- Roo-
Rod- Roð- Róð- Rode- Rodh-
Ros- Rós- Rosa- Rose-
Rot- Roth-
Ru- Rú- Ruu-
Rut- Ruut-
Rö- Rø- Rœ-
Vro- Vrå-

Last Element Forms


  1. 1.0 1.1 Roland Otterbjörk: Svenska förnamn (1979)
  2. 2.0 2.1 Lena Peterson: Nordiskt runnamnslexikon (2007)
  3. Leiv Heggstad, Finn Hødnebø og Erik Simensen: Norrøn Ordbok (1997)
  4. Kristoffer Kruken og Ola Stemshaug: Norsk Personnamnleksikon (1995)
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 Eva Brylla: Förnamn i Sverige (2004)
  6. Wilhelm Schlaug: Die altsächsischen Personennamen vor dem Jahre 1000 (1962)
  7. 7.0 7.1 Wilfried Seibicke: Historisches Deutsches Vornamenbuch (Band 1-4)
  8. 8.0 8.1 Rosa und Volker Kohlheim: Duden Lexikon der Vornamen (1998)